Do Children With Cerebral Palsy Require Dietary or Nutritional Assistance?


From our previous blogs, you may already know that children with cerebral palsy (CP) can have problems with their muscle tone, movement, and motor skills. However, what is not as well known is the fact that these individuals can also experience growth deficits due to nutritional deficits. Our team discusses more about these deficits and how to ensure that your child with CP is getting the proper nutrients.

Causes of Nutritional Deficits in Children with CP

Any person with CP has certain nutritional needs that must be addressed. It is important to address these needs as early as possible. There are several factors that can increase the risk of children and adults with CP having poor nutrition, including:

  • Lack of coordination to feed themselves
  • Certain digestive problems, such as gastroesophageal reflux and constipation
  • Oral motor impairments that can make chewing difficult
  • Needing modified consistency diet, such as soft or puréed foods

How to Ensure Your Child Gets the Proper Nutrients

Kids with cerebral palsy need a well-balanced diet just like any other child. However, they may require a modified diet that fits their unique needs. For instance, a child who cannot walk may have low bone density and require certain nutrients to keep bones strong, including:

  • Calcium. Found in milk, yogurt, cheese, and calcium-fortified juices.
  • Vitamin D. Found in some fish products, such as salmon, tuna, and fish liver oil, as well as fortified products like milk, orange juice, and cereal.
  • Phosphorus. Found in dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, poultry, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Other important nutrients that your child may need for bone health include vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, copper, zinc, and manganese. Ultimately, you should always voice any concerns you have about your child’s nutritional needs with their doctor. They can work together with a team of other specialists, including a dietitian and a nutrition and diet counselor, to come up with a feeding plan that works best for your child’s unique needs.

If your child is checked at a follow-up doctor’s appointment and is not growing as they should be, supplements or a feeding tube may be required to ensure that they are getting the proper nutrients.

We’re Here to Protect Your Family

At The Law Firm of Michael H. Bereston, Inc., we understand that a cerebral palsy diagnosis can leave you and your family with many questions and a wide range of emotions—fear, sadness, and uncertainty. Our team is here to provide you with the compassionate legal representation that you need during these times.

Our birth injury attorneys, led by head trial attorney Michael Bereston, have been protecting families who have suffered harm due to medical malpractice for decades. If you believe that your child developed cerebral palsy as a result of your doctor’s negligence, we are here to take the burden off of your shoulders and determine what legal options you have moving forward.

Contact our team at (410) 220-6581 to schedule a free case review at your earliest convenience. We are located in Annapolis and serve clients in the D.C. area as well as nationwide on a case-by-case basis.