5 Signs Your Baby May Have Been Injured During Delivery


Labor and delivery are not easy ventures, and in some cases, newborn babies may suffer injuries during the birthing process. Some injuries, however, may occur as a result of negligence on behalf of the healthcare staff.

It’s important for parents to remain aware of and watch for certain signs that may indicate a possible injury. Some injuries might present themselves with obvious symptoms, however, there are many cases where the signs are not apparent and might not present themselves right away. Staying vigilant is the key.

The first step if parents have any questions about their baby’s health is to contact their pediatrician and have an open and frank discussion regarding their concerns. It is important to discuss the cause of the injury to the baby early so steps may be taken to alleviate any further injury.

Besides contacting a pediatrician if any issue is spotted, parents may also decide to consult a nationwide birth injury attorney. With the help of a qualified birth injury attorney, such as those at The Law Firm of Michael H. Bereston, parents can learn more about their right and options.

Contact us today at (410) 220-6581 to schedule your free case evaluation.

Difficulties When Eating

When it comes to feeding and digestion, the newborn could experience fluctuation, but if the difficulties seem serious than this could be a sign that an injury occurred during birth. Parents should be attentive to the newborn’s difficulties when it comes to eating, as the sign could indicate cerebral palsy or a brain hemorrhage – which are caused by a birth injury. The best bet is to consult a pediatrician and make sure that the newborn’s difficulties are nothing to be alarmed by.

Arched Back When Crying

All newborn babies cry, and while they need attention, crying, in general, is not something to be distressed over. However, if parents notice that the baby is having an arched back when crying, this could be a sign that a birth injury occurred. Arched back crying is often times a sign of nerve damage, cerebral palsy, acid reflux, or pain. Sometimes, the problem is not clear for the parents, which is why it’s ideal to make an appointment with the pediatrician.

Seizures During the Neonatal Phase

Seizures can also be a sign of a birth injury. In some cases, seizures could be short-lived and mild, which means that they don’t cause lasting health problems. However, there are cases when the seizures are prolonged, and if left untreated they can result in permanent damage. Seizures are generally symptoms that indicate an underlying issue, such as bleeding in the brain. Intraventricular, Subdural, and Subarachnoid hemorrhages can lead to seizures, with the seizures varying in duration and severity, but also in treatability. Rapid and specialized care is necessary in case the baby is experiencing neonatal seizures.

Infant Broken Bones

While this might sound like an easily detectable injury, the reality of it is that broken bones are not easy to spot, and the infant can’t point to the issue. There are some signs that could help, however, such as swelling around the area where the broken bone is, constant crying, or the inability to move the limb that is broken. Bones could get fractured or even broken during a difficult delivery – especially in the upper body. The birth injury could get caused by improper use of instruments, a traumatic birth, or negligence of the healthcare provider.

Infant Nerve Damage or Paralysis

This can also be a difficult thing to determine, given the fact that infants are not able to express what the issue is. Certain signs that parents can look for are a lack of response to touch, weakness, lack of reflexes, or the limpness of the infant’s limbs. These could be signs that point to a birth injury, such as cerebral palsy or spinal cord damage.

A pediatrician or another healthcare provider should be consulted immediately if the parents notice any sign of injury. In addition, parents should also consult a law firm, such as The Law Firm of Michael H. Bereston. This will enable parents to learn more about the laws regarding birth injuries and what their rights and options are when it comes to pursuing legal action.

Parents Guide to Birth Injury

If you want to learn more about and how we can help you, contact us at (410) 220-6581 or schedule your appointment online today.
